Thursday, April 14, 2005

This Delusion

Reading about who we really are brings more questions to my mind than answers, for instance, if this body is not me, then why do I feel it's pain? Sense perceptions, I guess, further bind us to the mortal world. I remember my first 'Art of Living' session in New Delhi...the teacher said, 'What is it that you want in this life?' Pat came a litany of desires (mortal all of them). The teacher replied, 'Doesn't that want you to free your self of all that's holding you back'? Profound words they and they set me thinking....What is the purpose of this life? If Hinduism preaches that the smallest of creatures has a soul, then why has my soul chosen to manifest itself in a human form?

I wish I could give you this and that....but will that not shackle you up further? Will that not accentuate the constant static of meaningless pursuit, of materialism, of decay that you hear incessantly in this world? This world and all that it comes with, is a delusion that keeps us away from our real of divinity.


Blogger 123-I-Love-You said...

Very good stuff man. I like the way you write, and I hope to see more. I think the web needs more of this kind of thing.

Thanks for the link, by the way.

6:38 AM  
Blogger madhukar said...

Hi Kunal,
welcome to Blogosphere:0))

10:15 AM  

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