Mortal, Immortal
What's this balderdash about immortality one may wonder. Anything that has name and form is transient. And when we get fixated on all that will have an end, we further move an inch towards mortality.
Let's first analyze what happens when one dies. To begin, a quick classification of the flesh bearers: Type One: Man who has acquired the Truth and purified himself. Type Two: Man who has not attained to knowledge but has done good deeds with an eye on the divine reward. When the Type One dies, he goes through layers of light and meets a non-human who leads him to God. This man never returns and is immortal. Type Two first goes through smoke, night, ether and are then born as Gods (the various personal Gods that Hindus are credited with - Brahma {not the impersonal Brahman, please note}, Vishnu, Varun etc [the heirarchy of these Gods in another blog soon] in heaven. They stay there as long their good deeds permit them to. When the effect of the good work has been exhausted, they return by the same path as son of man on earth. To be noted is the fact that heaven, having a name and form, is itself a mortal state of existence. An eternal heaven is a contradiction to Hinduism. Those whose works have been very good take birth in good families; and those whose works have been bad take bad births, even in animal bodies. Thus the Type two take a zillion births unless they fall into Type One, the immortals.
Now the issue of how to fall into the Super One group? There is no permanent heaven without realizing God. The Bible says (Romans 8, 8:6-7), 'For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed it can be.' To be spiritually oriented means to search for God in all that we see living around us. It means that we reach out to our 'Atman' which is the reflection of the 'Brahman' Itself. We cannot understand God without knowing the soul. To know the God is liberation from mortality and hence the soul seekers attain to Type One. The more you hunger for material things, the more you slip into Type Two. The imortal and perfect soul must be the same in the highest God as well as in the humblest man, the difference between them being only in the degree in which the soul manifests itself. As this soul is likened to God, He has nothing outside of Himself; nothing at all. "Thou art the man, Thou art the woman, Thou art the young man walking in the pride of youth, Thou art the old man tottering in his step.' If you go back to 'Brahman' from which you have been projected, you are liberated. You become safe from the jaws of death.
If you truly hunger for the Truth, you are on the track to eternity. Go find yourself a spiritual Guru, he'll lead you There.
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